Watch the Lily Den Cam here! You'll have to be patient -- she does a lot of sleeping. But when the cub wakes and is demanding food, you'll see quite a bit of activity. The cub cries, mom shifts around and gets pretty animated, the cub nurses and makes these really sweet coos. I saw Lily's head once! She turned and looked right at the camera!
I showed the site to Noli and she was so excited when Lily started moving around and scratching. This began a whole bear discussion:
She's hard to see 'cause it's all black.
If she were white, she would be a polar bear.
Maybe she could be PINK or PURPLE and I could see her better. (much giggling)
Why is the baby crying? Is she hungry? (everything is a girl or "queel" in Noliease)
Is she cold in all that snow?
Fortunately, I had read up on my black bear facts on the site and we had a pretty good conversation. Bear (ha!) in mind that Noli is a month shy of 4 so our best talk was about the colors a bear should be. Pink and purple won out over any other color! After all, Lily IS a "queel" bear.