I'm so excited! I won the cutest owl from Maureen Cracknell Handmade!!! She challenged herself to make an owl a day and you could comment each day -- I tried to do it every day because I wanted to win an owl for the ever sweet Noli. And, yahoo!, I won!! Noli's mom (my daughter) and I looked through the owls and decided on Alex. She was my favorite -- I love her soft colors and her expression is so sweet.
Thank you, Maureen!
Be sure to visit Maureen's blog and see what she's up to -- you can see all the owls she made during the time of the giveaway -- an awesome bunch to be sure.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Open wide and say ahhh
My computer has developed an illness due to a bad virus. I can't do anything. Can't blog, can't check mail, can't surf, can't list on Etsy. Can't Facebook or tweet.
Bah and bleh. Can't do anything.
I'm using my hubby's computer for this post -- you know how you get used to the way something of yours works and somebody else's just doesn't feel right? Well, that's this computer. I feel all weird.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that my Wednesday Wanderings post will be on hold for a while. It's just too much to do using this computer which I dislike intensely.
And it was going to be so neat -- using the mosaic maker and all.
But, I will be back with it at a later date. I'll still blog using this weird thing I'm typing on now, but just not a post with all the bells and whistles that are on MY computer.
Bah and bleh. Can't do anything.
I'm using my hubby's computer for this post -- you know how you get used to the way something of yours works and somebody else's just doesn't feel right? Well, that's this computer. I feel all weird.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that my Wednesday Wanderings post will be on hold for a while. It's just too much to do using this computer which I dislike intensely.
And it was going to be so neat -- using the mosaic maker and all.
But, I will be back with it at a later date. I'll still blog using this weird thing I'm typing on now, but just not a post with all the bells and whistles that are on MY computer.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Mosaic Madness
Found this nifty site called Big Huge Labs where you can do all sorts of things with your photos.
Now to give it a try:
I have seen these mosaics on different blogs and have wanted to make one myself and finally found the place! Check out BigHugeLabs -- they have lots of creative (and free!) ways to use your photos.
I've got a neat post idea for my next Wednesday Wanderings and I'm going to be using this mosaic maker to show off the shops. You'll have to come back on Wednesday to see the theme, though!!
Hope to see you then!!
Now to give it a try:
Some of my citrus colors
1. Bowl of Fruit and Veggies, 2. Flower Scrubbies in Brites, 3. Citrus Splash Dishcloths, 4. Mini BurgerI have seen these mosaics on different blogs and have wanted to make one myself and finally found the place! Check out BigHugeLabs -- they have lots of creative (and free!) ways to use your photos.
I've got a neat post idea for my next Wednesday Wanderings and I'm going to be using this mosaic maker to show off the shops. You'll have to come back on Wednesday to see the theme, though!!
Hope to see you then!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
In the Garden - Wednesday Wanderings and the Shops Found Along the Way
I haven't planted a garden in years -- but I'm thinking about one for this year. Of course, I'd better quit thinking and start digging if I'm going to have any veggies this year!! I'm going to make it a container garden -- my backyard doesn't afford me the perfect place (too many trees) so I may have to move things around a bit.
Here's evidence that I have actually had a garden in the past! My son, with veggies that we had just picked.
Come join me as I wander through the Etsy gardens and let's see what goodies we can find (and the young Adam can tag along)...
I love these markers! I want to plant a bunch of herbs just to be able to use them! They can be made with whatever wording you want -- hmmm, I'll bet they could be used for veggies too!!! (Vintage Silverware Garden Markers by Wooden Hive)
This would make watering the veggies fun! I love the blue color -- just makes me happy. The old metal watering cans are so much cooler than those plastic ones... This vintage shop has lots to look at -- check out the toys section for some really great finds! (Watering Can by Bluebonnet Fields)
I actually like cabbage! Just cabbage, cooked in the microwave, with a little butter (well, OK, a lot). Yum. But I think I like these earrings better! Check out the shop -- you'll get hungry looking at all the foodies! (Cabbage Earrings by Shay Aaron)
When you're through digging in the garden, you could "plant" this guy! He's made of recycled garden tools and I know he'd be happy to be your garden guard and ward off all those pesky bugs….. His name is Bonita Bird and he is such a "rakish" fellow (get it? Rakish fellow?). He's a big one -- 41 inches tall and a wingspan of 40 inches -- a weed wouldn't even think about growing in his presence! (Tropical Bird Sculpture by Dana Carrera Designs)
Here's evidence that I have actually had a garden in the past! My son, with veggies that we had just picked.
Come join me as I wander through the Etsy gardens and let's see what goodies we can find (and the young Adam can tag along)...
I love these markers! I want to plant a bunch of herbs just to be able to use them! They can be made with whatever wording you want -- hmmm, I'll bet they could be used for veggies too!!! (Vintage Silverware Garden Markers by Wooden Hive)

This would make watering the veggies fun! I love the blue color -- just makes me happy. The old metal watering cans are so much cooler than those plastic ones... This vintage shop has lots to look at -- check out the toys section for some really great finds! (Watering Can by Bluebonnet Fields)
I actually like cabbage! Just cabbage, cooked in the microwave, with a little butter (well, OK, a lot). Yum. But I think I like these earrings better! Check out the shop -- you'll get hungry looking at all the foodies! (Cabbage Earrings by Shay Aaron)
When you're through digging in the garden, you could "plant" this guy! He's made of recycled garden tools and I know he'd be happy to be your garden guard and ward off all those pesky bugs….. His name is Bonita Bird and he is such a "rakish" fellow (get it? Rakish fellow?). He's a big one -- 41 inches tall and a wingspan of 40 inches -- a weed wouldn't even think about growing in his presence! (Tropical Bird Sculpture by Dana Carrera Designs)
So what do you do with all those veggies you're growing? Make a salad! Isn't this the cutest? Everything straight out of the garden - just rinse it off and cut it up! (Well, maybe not the eggs!) I just love felt food and this shop has lots to offer. (Tossed Salad by EvaLauryn Gifts)
Thanks for strolling through the garden with me -- and come back next week for more Wednesday Wanderings! You'll never know what we'll find.....
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Carnations for Mom
With Mother's Day fast approaching, I wanted to make something for my Etsy shop to commemorate the day. The carnation is traditionally the symbol of Mother's Day, with a red or pink one being worn if one's mother is living, and a white one if she is no longer alive.
I decided to crochet some carnation pins/brooches that would always stay fresh.
I found out some pretty interesting facts about carnations and Mother's Day and thought I'd share...
The carnation is the January birth flower, the state flower of Ohio, and the first wedding anniversary flower.
The pink carnation signifies a mother's love, coming from the belief that they first appeared as Jesus carried the Cross, and Mary wept as he passed by, pink carnations springing up from her fallen tears. They are also a symbol of gratitude.
Red carnations symbolize love and affection and white carnations represent pure love and good luck.
Mother's Day had its beginnings in the US when, in 1907, Anna Jarvis handed out carnations to all the mothers at her mother's church. She chose white ones since that was her mother's favorite flower. When her mother died in 1905, Anna dedicated her life to her mother's project to establish a special day to honor all mothers, living or deceased. She campaigned to make “Mother’s Day” a nationally recognized holiday.
In 1914 Congress passed a Joint Resolution, signed by President Woodrow Wilson, and Mother's Day was officially established. It was to emphasize women's role in the family.
Now don't think Anna was this sweet little lady handing out flowers. Far from it -- turns out that she felt that the newly established Mother's Day was being exploited by the floral industry. In a press release she stated "What will you do to route charlatans, bandits, pirates, racketeers, kidnappers and other termites that would undermine with their greed one of the finest, noblest and truest movements and celebrations?" (I love the part about the termites!)
Anna was definitely an activist. In 1923 she filed a suit against New York's Governor over a Mother's Day celebration. The suit was thrown out and "Anna the Activist" (my title) began a public protest and was arrested for disturbing the peace.
In the 1930s, Anna disrupted a meeting of the American War Mothers by protesting their sale of white carnations for Mother's Day. She was removed by the police!!
Over the years, she continued to be concerned over the commercialization of Mother's Day: "I wanted it to be a day of sentiment, not profit." She was against the selling of flowers and felt that the sending of greeting cards was "a poor excuse for the letter you are too lazy to write."
Another quote from Anna: "... And candy! You take a box to Mother — and then eat most of it yourself. A pretty sentiment."
In a funny/sad twist of fate, old Anna (who, by the way, never married or had children) was confined to a nursing home, penniless. She never knew that her bills were paid by the Florist's Exchange!!
Of course, Mother's Day is the number one sales day for florists and card shops.
Well, I hope you learned a few interesting facts (all found with web searches and paraphrased)!!!
Now forget about Anna the activist and go and buy a card, a gift and some flowers for Mom......maybe a phone call (not a text!) and lunch (you pay!!)
I found out some pretty interesting facts about carnations and Mother's Day and thought I'd share...
The carnation is the January birth flower, the state flower of Ohio, and the first wedding anniversary flower.
The pink carnation signifies a mother's love, coming from the belief that they first appeared as Jesus carried the Cross, and Mary wept as he passed by, pink carnations springing up from her fallen tears. They are also a symbol of gratitude.
Red carnations symbolize love and affection and white carnations represent pure love and good luck.
Mother's Day had its beginnings in the US when, in 1907, Anna Jarvis handed out carnations to all the mothers at her mother's church. She chose white ones since that was her mother's favorite flower. When her mother died in 1905, Anna dedicated her life to her mother's project to establish a special day to honor all mothers, living or deceased. She campaigned to make “Mother’s Day” a nationally recognized holiday.
In 1914 Congress passed a Joint Resolution, signed by President Woodrow Wilson, and Mother's Day was officially established. It was to emphasize women's role in the family.
Now don't think Anna was this sweet little lady handing out flowers. Far from it -- turns out that she felt that the newly established Mother's Day was being exploited by the floral industry. In a press release she stated "What will you do to route charlatans, bandits, pirates, racketeers, kidnappers and other termites that would undermine with their greed one of the finest, noblest and truest movements and celebrations?" (I love the part about the termites!)
Anna was definitely an activist. In 1923 she filed a suit against New York's Governor over a Mother's Day celebration. The suit was thrown out and "Anna the Activist" (my title) began a public protest and was arrested for disturbing the peace.
In the 1930s, Anna disrupted a meeting of the American War Mothers by protesting their sale of white carnations for Mother's Day. She was removed by the police!!
Over the years, she continued to be concerned over the commercialization of Mother's Day: "I wanted it to be a day of sentiment, not profit." She was against the selling of flowers and felt that the sending of greeting cards was "a poor excuse for the letter you are too lazy to write."
Another quote from Anna: "... And candy! You take a box to Mother — and then eat most of it yourself. A pretty sentiment."
In a funny/sad twist of fate, old Anna (who, by the way, never married or had children) was confined to a nursing home, penniless. She never knew that her bills were paid by the Florist's Exchange!!
Of course, Mother's Day is the number one sales day for florists and card shops.
Well, I hope you learned a few interesting facts (all found with web searches and paraphrased)!!!
Now forget about Anna the activist and go and buy a card, a gift and some flowers for Mom......maybe a phone call (not a text!) and lunch (you pay!!)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
No Housework Day! Wednesday Wanderings and the Shops Found Along the Way
Tired of the drudgery of housework? Tired of doing the many endless tasks you do each and every day? Tired of all the machines that claim to do it all for you, but don't?
Well, put up your vacuums and dust cloths, TODAY IS NO HOUSEWORK DAY!!!!
Really, it's true, it occurs on April 7 every year! Mark your calendars!
Since I'm not doing any housework today, I'm shopping instead! So come along with me and we'll find all those things that we can shove to the back of the broom closet for today -- but we're gonna need them tomorrow (we'll have to play catch-up, you know…)
I remember hanging clothes on the clothesline when I was a kid -- I don't think I liked it very much. We had one of those umbrella style clotheslines so at least you could hide your undies from prying neighbor eyes….. Of course, my dad bought a dryer after I moved away from home. Hmmm, I wonder why he also got a dishwasher after I moved away. Methinks there was a plan here…. (or Mama put her foot down!)
Since we're taking the day off, SOMEBODY'S got to do the cooking! Put this on your favorite guy and let him get to work! I love it that it's an actual tie decorating this apron -- the tie's tag is even sewn onto the pocket! Tell him he's got to be careful though -- wouldn't want to get spots on his favorite tie! (Manly Tie Apron by Totes N More)

Now, after I get back from shopping, what do you think I'll be doing on this holiday? Why, enjoying the spa, of course! Treat yourself to a spa experience everyday with this box of delights -- even has green tea to sip while soaking in the bath! And such yummy ingredients! Everything is natural or organic. Be sure to read this shop's profile -- very interesting. (A Day at the Spa by Valley Green Naturals)
Well, put up your vacuums and dust cloths, TODAY IS NO HOUSEWORK DAY!!!!
Really, it's true, it occurs on April 7 every year! Mark your calendars!
Since I'm not doing any housework today, I'm shopping instead! So come along with me and we'll find all those things that we can shove to the back of the broom closet for today -- but we're gonna need them tomorrow (we'll have to play catch-up, you know…)
I remember hanging clothes on the clothesline when I was a kid -- I don't think I liked it very much. We had one of those umbrella style clotheslines so at least you could hide your undies from prying neighbor eyes….. Of course, my dad bought a dryer after I moved away from home. Hmmm, I wonder why he also got a dishwasher after I moved away. Methinks there was a plan here…. (or Mama put her foot down!)
Anyway, I had to do a lot of looking when I spotted this shop! Wonderful paintings, and what makes them so unique is that many of them are 3D!! The artist adds something to the painting, in this case, fabric for the sheets and tiny clothespins. Go give this new shop some love (and check out the bunny painting)! (Clothesline Acrylic Painting on Wood by LeDilly)
I'm not a huge fan of ironing but at the same time, I can't stand to wear wrinkled clothes! To get around this, I wear a lot of T-shirts :p If I've got to iron, I want to look at something cute like this -- I love the little hedgies nose-to-nose with the birds, and the mushrooms! Can't help but make you smile! Do you leave your board up all the time? Well, there are lots of sweet fabric choices to match your other room décor!! (Fresh and Funky Ironing Board Cover by Compelled to Craft)
Now here's the proper place for a vacuum cleaner! Just a little embroidered picture to remind you of what it actually looks like because, of course, it seldom gets used! At least in my house….. But then I also have one of those fancy, schmancy robot vacs! A dream come true (but he'd -- he is a "he" you know -- would tell you that he sits in the corner much too long between jaunts through the house)! Mr. Roomba Boomba can just get over himself…… Meanwhile, this cute stitchery would make me smile everyday! (Sweeper Savvy by Moxiedoll)

Now, after I get back from shopping, what do you think I'll be doing on this holiday? Why, enjoying the spa, of course! Treat yourself to a spa experience everyday with this box of delights -- even has green tea to sip while soaking in the bath! And such yummy ingredients! Everything is natural or organic. Be sure to read this shop's profile -- very interesting. (A Day at the Spa by Valley Green Naturals)
Oh, and here's a cute knitted mug cozy just for my green tea! Love it! It'll keep that tea warm while I doze in the tub….. (Green Tea Mug Cozy by Knit Storm)
Thanks for wandering around with me today -- please join me next week for my Wednesday Wanderings -- but excuse me right now so I can enjoy my spa experience in private!!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
A Great Day for Kites
Yesterday was so windy and Noli was desperate to fly her butterfly kite! So Papa took her out to the street and I grabbed my camera.
She also took care of the string -- a job she took very seriously...
She was also in charge of fallen kites....
All in all, a glorious kite-flying day!
Soaring high...
Noli's main job was to run and jump. And stretch really far to try to touch the kite!
All in all, a glorious kite-flying day!
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