One of my very favorite things to do is counted cross-stitch. But there's only so many you can do to display in your home or give as gifts! Even so, I have so many designs that I'd like to do and a huge love of doing them!
Here's where Love Quilts comes in. Love Quilts is a charity organization that makes quilts for children with life threatening or life long illnesses. The children or their parents choose a theme for their quilt and stitchers sign up with a design of their choosing that fits the theme. When all the cross-stitch blocks are finished and sent in (by a certain date), they are assembled into beautiful quilts and sent off to the child.

The parents keep in touch and send pictures so we can get to "know" the child. Sometimes angel wings appear next to a child's name, and that is always a sad thing. But the parents have that quilt, so lovingly made for their child, to remember and hang on to. (Oh my, tears are in my eyes...) And then there are the ones who get better and stronger and your heart just grows!
The block I just completed is for
Caitlyn who will turn 6 in March (the same as my granddaughter) and her theme is the word "Love" along with hearts, flowers and the color purple somewhere on the square. I saw her and knew she was the one I wanted to cross-stitch for next! If you'd like to meet
Caitlyn, you can click on her name and say howdy-do and a little prayer for her.
Can you see the "V" in Love coming through my magnifying glass?
These are the colors I'm using -- I changed the colors from the original red/pink/blue to Caitlyn's colors of pink and purple. And, yes, that's a shower curtain hook that my floss bobbins are on!
That was the cross-stitch love, now for the challenge part of this post!
The February challenge for the Blogging Business Artisans (BBA) Etsy team was given to us by Edi of
Memories for Life. She challenged us to create a love-themed item for the month of love. So a little girl named Caitlyn, and a love-filled challenge met in my cross-stitch hoop!
I'm part way though!
I so enjoyed stitching this piece!
I think the word "Love" is so sweet in this design and it fits perfectly for February, the month of love, and a sweet child who has a bunch of wonderful women stitching that love just for her.
I hope you'll visit the
Love Quilts site and perhaps stitch something for a child yourself!
And be sure to visit the
BBA Blog to read about our team and our talented members.
♥♥♥ Today I'm linking up my Love Cross-Stitch to
Pink Saturday over at How Sweet the Sound! Lots of lovely pinks over there!
♥♥♥ Also linking to
Show and Tell Saturday at Be Different...Act Normal. Fun, fun, fun!!