I snapped a few pictures to share, and thought of the March Challenge on the Blogging Business Artisans Etsy team. This month's challenge is brought to us by Cynthia of Antiquity Travelers who posed the question "The first signs of spring .... what does spring mean to you? What inspires you as the weather starts to warm up?"
The first flowers popping up, the tiny bright green leaves sprouting on the trees, the breezes prompting me to open my windows and enjoy the beautiful days. That's spring to me!
These tulips were growing on the edges of a parking lot
Even pretty with the lamp post behind them!
Especially, when reflected in a puddle!
So pretty....
We passed a church with a large expanse of front lawn
covered in tiny pink flowers
with patches of Bluebonnets just starting to sprout
sharing at
~ AlphabeThursday for the letter S
~ Share Your Cup Thursday
~ Blue Monday for those Bluebonnets!