Kipenzi in Swahili means "loved one" and this baby was so very loved.

Giraffe photos courteous of Dallas Zoo
You may remember my post about her birth, which was watched by people worldwide via the "giraffe cam" set up by Animal Planet here at the Dallas Zoo.
It was a sad morning to find out that sweet Kipenzi had died in an accident when the giraffes were being herded into their night barn at the close of the zoo day on Tuesday, April 28. She was an animated and happy baby, just 3 months old, and loved to scamper about. She was playing with her older brother when she took a sharp turn and ran into the edge of a barn that's part of the herd's habitat. She broke three vertebrae in her neck, and died instantly.
The zookeepers gave Katie, Kipenzi's mother, time with her baby before she was taken away. Katie is being kept in a private yard so she can be monitored for signs of distress.
As can be expected, memorials are being set up and people are commenting all over social media. This is a baby that will be sorely missed.

Kipenzi -- 4/10/15 - 7/28/15
sharing on AlphabeThursday for the letter K