Thursday, May 29, 2014

That's a Lot of Bull!

We were driving though a kinda country, kinda huge houses area.... you know the kind. Houses that I guess could be called mansions, houses costing a few million with three or so more bathrooms than bedrooms, houses with their own tennis courts and movie screening rooms....

I don't know about you, but my house is nothing like that!!

Anyway, we were driving along and look who we saw! A beauty he was, with his long curly horns....

Mr. Longhorn Bull

There were a bunch of them (aka a bunch of bulls... oh, I am so witty!) standing under some trees but I couldn't get a decent shot because of the fence, and there was no place to really stop. But this beauty was right close to the road and said he didn't mind his picture being taken.

So I took another....
(Good grief, what happened to the sky?!!)

Then I thought about this bull in Oak Cliff, south of Dallas. I had taken it one day when we had gone to the Texas Theatre. (Blue Monday folks, check out that blue check cashing place sign!)

He's a pretty hefty guy -- lots of steaks on him!!

And you probably remember this guy from a few posts back....

Blue Baseball Bull 
from Noli's softball field

So this post is just a bunch of bull!  LOL big time!
Heh Heh  ;p

~ sharing over on AlphabeThursday where we are studying the letter B
~ sharing all that Blue over on Blue Monday



Black Jack's Carol said...

My house.. well, apartment :) is nothing like the ones you describe either. You really are witty :) Great flow to your writing. I felt I had driven along, seen the bull, struggled to find a place to pull off, wondered where my sky went.. not so keen to think about the steaks, though :) Enough smiles for one comment, I say, smiling as I type.....

Unknown said...

We drove out to the country and saw some cows and horses last weekend too. That bull on top of the building is crazy. You don't see things like that around here! And also, I don't live in a house like that either. Our house is only 1170 square feet! I think a house that big must be a lot of work to maintain...unless you have many children, what do you need all that space for?

holly said...

I saw my first Texas Longhorn this week at an animal center and got to feed it. Their horns are so massive! I was scared he was gonna get me.

Susan Anderson said...


Thanks for piling the bull so high. I enjoyed it!


carol l mckenna said...

What a great post and photos for B ~ xoxo

Happy Weekend to you ~

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Rose Clearfield said...

What a fun round up of bulls! There is nothing quite like a big bull on a building, and of course the painting job in the final picture is fabulous.

Lmkazmierczak said...

What great finds. Perfect for letter B♪

Memories for Life said...

Longhorns are so cool! He must never try to get out...that fence doesn't look like it would hold him!

Abby / Linda said...

You bring back memories of when I lived in Texas! I remember seeing many longhorns! don't think I have seen any since! Great creatures!

Anonymous said...

They are a lovely bunch of bulls!

Birgit said...

I loved to see your bulls! :)

GranthamLynn said...

I've seen those Bulls myself. I think. We used to live in Southlake on the edge of the McMansions. We had a nice little horse property. It's now a McMansion! Thanks for coming by the blog and seeing my letter "B" Back post. Next week is Letter "C".I already have a plan.
Guess what? LOL.
Have a great week.

Sarah Leonard said...

There's something fab about animal art in cities. In Milton Keynes in the UK they have whole fields of different colour concrete cows. They make for good photo opps for visitors!

Splendid Little Stars said...

You ARE quite witty!
I last saw a bull when walking through a field to get to a beach in St. Martin. Luckily, he was interested in eating, not me.

Annesphamily said...

Sarah you are a witty and silly girl all rolled into one! Love this post. Made me smile! I hope your weekend is wonderful.

Natashalh said...

That roof bull looks like a giant piñata! At least, it does to me...

Ingrid said...

My house is exactly how you described them ! Only the tennis court, movie screening rooms and bathrooms are missing !
The bull is a handsome guy !
My neighbors have such a colored thing standing in their frontyard only it's a cow !!

Unknown said...

What a great post. I love knowing that you are full of bull!

Cristina Pop said...

WHat a fun post!

SmilingSally said...

Hi Sarah,

Oh, you had WAY too much fun today! Thanks for sharing your blue.

Happy Blue Monday!

Hannah said...

Those Texas Longhorns really have long horns. I used to see them on the fronts of convertibles in parades! You did have a lot of bull to post about, that blue bull probably made Sally very happy.

Ann said...

Well that's a LOT of bull!! We don't have many longhorns around here, maybe some in the western part of the state on ranches. They are impressive looking fellows. Cute post.

Ann said...

Well that's a LOT of bull!! We don't have many longhorns around here, maybe some in the western part of the state on ranches. They are impressive looking fellows. Cute post.

Ann said...

Well that's a LOT of bull!! We don't have many longhorns around here, maybe some in the western part of the state on ranches. They are impressive looking fellows. Cute post.

Annesphamily said...

All these blues are perfect! I remember that blue bull. Such a smile maker that one and it certainly no bull! Hee Hee Have a great week.

Sonya Badgley said...

Thanks for shooting the bull with us! ;P
Happy Blue Monday!

Gerald (SK14) said...

love the bull behind the fence

Jenny said...

We call these McMansions around here! ha!

I really enjoyed your bountiful sharing of bulls in this post!

Thanks for the smile!

And thank you for linking.



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