My downfall in life is ice cream -- and it absolutely must be Blue Bell -- and the top two are Cookies 'n Cream and Moo-llennium Crunch (totally decadent). If there is ice cream in the freezer, it calls to me like a siren song and gets me in trouble every time. I can't just have a little ice cream, I must have huge scoops of unprecedented size. As much as I can cram into my bowl.
So, to try to get past this, my hubby (who can eat only a tiny bit and be satisfied, the snake) started to buy it in the pint size. But no, this did not work -- we would finish the whole thing between us -- and definitely not evenly -- a bit heavier on my side. So, now I simply cannot have the heavenly Blue Bell around at all. Well, maybe every now and then ;)
But wait!! They've now come out with Blue Bell on a stick!!

I am saved!!!
(For more delicious gotta haves, go to bugandpop and join in!)