Old School Room Winthrop WA by Plum Lane Photos (Lots more photos in this shop! Excellent!)
First up -- pencils! Can't get along without pencils. These are very cool and will certainly help when it comes to test time!! (Don't tell the teacher!!) Know It All No. 2 Pencil Set by Paper Pastries.
Gotta have glue -- and lots of it!! Elmer's Glue Painting by Rhinestone Armadillo.
Lunch box notes! Little sweet notes for your little scholar to find at lunchtime! Cute designs, and write your own message on the back! Lunch Box Notes by Fancy Shmancy Notes.
How about reusable cloth napkins to go in the lunchbox? So much better than buying paper ones, and about a million time better than those skimpy napkins in the black dispensers! The design on these is so cute, plus she has more designs as well. Teach 'em early!! Back to School Reusable Cloth Napkins for Children by Cranberry.
Let the little ones in on the act too! This cute backpack/snack bags/napkins set is perfect for the preschool crowd. And check out the Dick and Jane fabric. I read about Alice and Jerry and their dog Jip myself but they all said the same thing! Back to School Preschool Set by Freya's Favorite Things.
The wheels on the bus go round and round...
How clever is this?!! Cute for the driver, or anyone who rides the school bus! There are lots of designs to choose from - sports, professions, animals, food -- cute stuff! School Bus Driver Watch by Whimsical Watches.Well, all I can say is, if my kids were still little, I'd have a fun time school shopping on Etsy!
Hey there-
Thanks so much for including my painting!
I really got excited to see your fox. We have an elusive little furry fox friend that keeps running away from my camera, too. I hardly ever see him/her and I never get my camera out in time.
Thanks for adding me to your list!
I love that little backpack set and can't wait to take first day of school pictures of my little guy wearing it!
Great finds! Ugh... I can't believe it's that time of year again!!
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