Naturally, my thoughts turned to a collection of sea creatures for the kids. I decided that a frilly starfish, a cutie seahorse, and a couple of little fishes would go into my play set.
I needed to make a bag to hold everything -- I started crocheting one, and then changed my mind! (Something I do quite often!) I get part way done and then rip it out and start again on a different tangent -- do you do that?
I love this chubby seahorse. He's just so round and cute!
Here he is showing off his cutie little multicolored fins.
He's quite proud of them, you know ....
This is miss starfish with her gal pal fishies.
Well, the green fish might be a boy, but he's not telling ....
These little sea creatures are making their debut in my Etsy shop!
miss starfish is oh, so excited!
♥♥♥ To see other Under the Sea challenge projects, check out the BBA team blog!