Cross stitch -- some call it x-stitch because of the little x's that are made -- you go from left to right making stitches that look like / and then back along those stitches from right to left, crossing them with \ stitches. That's probably about as clear as mud!
Smile was stitched for Markie
Anyway, I love to cross stitch -- probably even more so than crochet. (But don't tell my crochet hooks that -- they will be very jealous!) But there's only so much you can do to give as gifts or do for yourself. Although I must admit, there are about a million cross stitch pictures that I would like to do for myself. I keep telling myself to decide on one and just do it, but, well you know how things get.
Follow Your Dreams was stitched for Tylynn
One way that I get in some cross stitch time is to stitch for an organization called "Love Quilts" which gives finished quilts to children who are critically ill or who have lifelong illnesses.
Family was for Inspirational Words and Phrases to be used on any child's quilt. These are extra squares that have no deadline and can be used on any child's quilt to fill in when needed, or to assemble a quilt in an emergency situation.
When the child is signed up, the parents provide a photo and some background on the child -- siblings, pets, favorite sports or other likes, information about the child's illness, etc. Then a theme and a favorite color are picked and the stitching volunteers sign up to stitch a square for that child. They usually try to get around fifteen to twenty squares for each quilt.
The two cutie bears were stitched for any child's quilt
The squares are sent in and then they are assembled into a quilt by quilting volunteers. Depending on how many squares are received, the quilt could be all cross stitch squares, or with some fabric squares to round things out. They are finished with batting and a fabric back and then machine quilted. Then they are sent or sometimes taken to the child. The parents usually send in pictures of the child with the quilt -- that's probably the best part! They always have such huge smiles on their sweet faces!
There are some ladies who stitch for each and every child, sometimes more than one square for each! It just amazes me the love and care that go into each of these quilts.
Ducks stitched for Shane
This is the quilt for Shane -- you can see the duck square on the left side
Butterfly stitched for Karon
Karon's purple quilt. The butterfly square I stitched is on the bottom row on the right.
There is a lot of work involved to assemble each quilt and the only monetary request is a small donation to accompany each square that is stitched. And it doesn't matter if you stitch one square or many, all are accepted with love and all are assembled and presented to the child with love.
A number of years ago my computer crashed and I lost all my photos -- so a lot of my cross stitch pics are gone. I always wrote the year and the child's name on the chart, and of course I remember each one, but I sure wish I had those pictures!
I didn't participate at all this year, but plan to do at least a few blocks in 2014.
Maybe I'll even do something for myself!
If you'd like to learn more about the Love Quilts organization, or perhaps stitch a square for them, here's a link to their site.

sharing over at Miss Jenny's for Alphabe-Thursday where we are studying the letter X