Thursday, September 18, 2014


Just couldn't resist this for the letter R....

Bear, in a state of total relaxation....
tail carefully guarding a favorite play-stick....

But always on the lookout 

Isn't he handsome (or maybe she's pretty, I don't know)
with that floofy tail!


I, of course, accidentally scuffed my shoe on the patio and Bear heard it.... cats can hear everything, can't they! I wish s/he'd use that floofy tail to sweep up the leaves around the shed steps. You just can't get a cat to pay rent.... ha!

~ sharing a relaxing Bear on Alphabe-Thursday where we are studying the letter R



Duni said...

Wow, Bear is a gorgeous cat!!

Memories for Life said...

What a that first picture :)

Unknown said...

Bear is beautiful! Isn't it amazing how cats can hear everything and yet still ignore you at all times?

Jim said...

Cats seem to like to lay like that. Ask your vet the next time you go. also ask what sex Bear is. Then you'll know. Anyway, M or F, he is a pretty cat. Lucky girl, Sarah.

Ingrid said...

Inspires me to do some relaxation too !

Unknown said...

what a beautiful coat of fur. I thought of you yesterday. we now have 2 stray cats that have moved onto, and under, our back deck. apparently the word has gotten out that we feed strays, lol. the little kitten has the loudest meow I ever heard!

Judie said...

Now that's a cat with a lot of self-confidence to by lying outside with his belly exposed! Our cat does that at night when she and our dog children are in the family room with us.

Natashalh said...

Kitties are so flexible! It looks like a very handsome cat has moved in.

pasqueflower said...

Ha.Ha. Bear and Rose's boys are vying for Most Laid Back Cat honors, I think!

Monica said...

What a pretty/handsome cat!!

Splendid Little Stars said...



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