A Tale of Three Penguins
Penguins are, without a doubt, some of the cutest animals on the planet!
They like to tumble with their friends....
and play follow the leader....
and sometimes play stack the penguin....
OK, maybe not!
In December a friend asked me to crochet three penguins for her.... well, they were actually for her brother -- he had three beanbag penguins that he loved to juggle and she thought it would be fun to get those penguins some cousins!
This little guy may look quite innocent but I can assure you that he is a little rascal in disguise! You see, I finished him -- eyes attached, feet on, beak and wings in place....
and then I realized that my tapestry needle was nowhere in sight....
Now a tapestry needle is what you use to sew on the various pieces parts like the legs. It's not particularly sharp like a sewing needle, and much bigger, but still not all that blunt either. Can you see where this is leading??
I hunted high and low -- on the floor, under the couch pillows, in all those deep hiding places in the couch. No needle. OK, so it must have been eaten by that naughty penguin....
Hmmm, methinks, this is for a grown-up who surely would never put a penguin in his mouth.... maybe I could just let it stay. But, no, I'd have to fess up to my friend and I doubt she would be expecting that little piece of lagniappe! (Don't worry, Deb, I wouldn't really leave a needle in a penguin.... ha!)
So I squeeze and squash and pinch and prod -- good grief, it's like hunting for a needle in a penguin haystack! I squeeze and squeeze and.... OUCH! That needle got me -- even kinda blunt it still drew blood! Fortunately, Mr. Penguin escaped with no extra DNA on him, LOL!
Now that I had a hold on the needle, the next problem was getting the darn thing out. It kept trying to slide right back inside that silly penguin! But I was the stronger of the two, and finally, finally, managed to surgically remove that needle! (I used a jar gripper thingy to pull it out!)
Moral of this story....
Never trust a penguin
sharing this trio of icy, needle-loving penguins....
~ AlphabeThursday where we are studying the letter I
