OK, I know that title is quite a stretch for the letter U....
But what can I say? That's all I've got!
Actually, I wanted to share a bit of Easter fun with you, and didn't want to wait much longer since Easter is over!

Noli knows the truth about the Easter Bunny, but still enjoys the goodies that he brings! Since they (and Nova the dog) were going to the lake on Sunday -- and we didn't particularly want to go with -- Noli and Stephanie came over on Saturday to get in a bit of family (and E. Bunny) time.
I hid the Easter basket that I had put together for Noli so she wouldn't pounce on it the moment she walked in the door, and then brought it out when she wasn't looking.
I, of course, maintained that the true Easter Bunny had delivered it.
She would have no part of it.
Then I told her the story of when the Easter Bunny left me a note in my basket. When I was a kid, I put out my Easter basket like you do your stocking for Santa. And he comes in the night and fills it up. Well, carrying on the Bunny/Santa tradition, I also left a carrot for Mr. E.B. -- and one year, he left me a note!
It said, "Thanks for the carrot, Sarah" -- and the carrot was drawn! It was written in beautiful calligraphy. I was so excited that the Easter Bunny had left me a note!
And Noli fell for it hook, line and sinker.
By the way, just so you know, that is a true story. He did leave me a note! In later years, I insisted that my brother had written it, but he always denied it. I guess I'll just never know for sure....
As for Noli's basket.... see the bunny money? I found this cute way of folding a dollar bill into a bunny, so she got bunny money plus shiny new quarters in the eggs. Google "folding dollar bills" and you'll find lots of cool ways to fold them! I glue-sticked the eyes and nose -- the nose is just a hole punch into the pink portion of an advertisement!
And of course, there were peanut M&Ms, along with a fancy new notebook and gel pens, some super cool blue nail polish, and a a big egg full of bunnies (like that monkey game where you hook them all together)
Ha! They match her shirt!
And then Stephanie had some surprises for her for Easter morning, one of which was a cute new dress to wear Easter Sunday. Two visits from Mr. E. Bunny!
Noli, goof that she is, has a new pink bunny grass hat....
We went to Jason's Deli to eat lunch and she started writing in her notebook about what she was eating. (She and I shared a Reuben.... I was surprised that a 9 year old would like corned beef and sauerkraut but she does!) Stephanie and Papa had the salad bar, but Noli and I were craving meat!!
Then we went to a park so Noli could run off some of that bunny energy.... all in all a good day!

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