Thursday, April 23, 2015

What Happens When You Don't Pay Attention?

This happens

Totally out of control burned pizza
Those round things are eggplant slices if you can believe it!

But definitely an opportunity to call the pizza guy!
We hadn't had a Pizza Hut pizza in so long....

and it was delicious!
All those yummy veggies...
and pineapple!

Heaven in a cardboard box

~ sharing on AlphabeThursday for the letter W



byTheArtBug said...

Oh! it happens sometimes!!
but anyways great that you enjoyed your order!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Oh no but the 'new" pizza looked amazing!

Your Invisible Crown said...

I've had that happening to me too once or twice... The ordered one looks delicious!

carol l mckenna said...

Happens to all of us ~ So important to 'pay attention' ~ but you got a great pizza in the end ~

Happy Weekend coming to you,
artmusedog and carol

Ingrid said...

The pizza looks like a modern artwork lol !

Annesphamily said...

Oh Sarah Beth you make me smile! I love a good excuse to order food or visit our favorite places with the kids! Thanks for sharing and your pizza looks heavenly! YUMMY!

Jim said...

Ha, ha, Sara. It happens to the best of us, burned something. Mine is mostly from the toaster.
If you still had your Mustang II the kids would still be upset if you sold it but NONE of the relatives would want to be keeping it.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Sometimes I feel like burning dinner so we can get take-out pizza.

Duni said...

I love Pizza Hut Pizza, but I can only get it in the big city and they don't deliver...

Paige @ Little Nostalgia said...

Whoops! We've done that, too. I always like an excuse to order pizza, though, so I think it all worked out!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

ah! It happens to us all. At least you got something yummy to eat!

Natashalh said...

Been there, done that! I totally destroyed a batch of granola a few weeks ago because I forgot to set the timer. Oops!

LanasArtStudio said...

done it so many time... I'm happy my house is still ok and lately pizza only once week and most of the time pre ordered :) Have a sweet and happy weekend!!!

TexWisGirl said...

good save! :)

thanks for stopping in today!

Whispering Thoughts said...

It happens. We have pizza parties often at the place where I work

Unknown said...

We only splurge and have pizza when Amara is here and really wants it and then it is always Pizza Hut! Her parents get Round Table and she likes ours better! Another point for Grandma! Your pizza looks yummy with all those veggies!

Memories for Life said...

Haha...I've had this happen before too! Glad Pizza Hut could come to the rescue :)

PS...I'm mailing something off to Magnolia, TX today!

Abby / Linda said...

Ha ha! I've been known to do that! :)


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