Needless to say, I thought "OMG, what are you letting her do??" (directed toward my daughter who, of course, was standing near my five-year-old granddaughter's precious fingers). "Don't worry," says my daughter, "We do this all the time."
ALL THE TIME?? I'm used to her cutting things with a butter knife, but that's a sharp steak knife for crying out loud! Well, to the steak knife's credit, it's not really all that sharp!
My second thought was "BLOG!" and ran to grab my trusty camera...
One of the funniest things that Noli does is to yell "Wait for me! I want to help!" and runs off to grab her trusty stool and runs back in, plops it down, and jumps up on it ready to "do it myself"!! She's like a whirlwind. Like the Roadrunner zooming away from Wile E. Coyote in the cartoons.

Photo from
Now, if I could only get her to clean up.....
too cute! I stood by as my 12 year old son prepped and put together the home made pizza we had last night. That involved chopping onions and mushrooms, and not so delicately spreading the sauce on the crust. But he did great! Clean up? Not so great. But the pizza was delish!
Looks like fun!It's great that you got some quality cooking time in with your Granddaughter.
Good for Noli! future famous chef! current special chef!
Oh, so hard for you but yay for Noli! It is hard to let them grow up, isn't it?
How great! I think I could get my 5 year old to help cook (no knives, he's not that coordinated)...the real trick is the eating :P
Does she eat her own creations?
How great that your daughter has such a sweet helper around :)
Let me know if you have any luck with the cleaning part...LOL :)
So cute :)
Oh man, I nearly had a panic attack reading this. I'm probably a little overprotective of my kids... I don't even give them the butter knife - they're stuck using the round hickory farms cheese spreaders :D Poor kids.
What great skills your kiddo is learning!!
I am very impressed with her cooking skills! My husband won't even let me near his knives! I am pretty clumsy sometimes and I just hate to cook so it's not a good combination but thankfully he loves to cook!
Your daughter is an awesome parent for starting early with life skills. I was and still am a big fan of letting them, and teaching them, and expecting them ... Life lessons for when they fly the coop. IMO, one thing on the list of the best things you can do for your children as they grow.
Mine were doing their own laundry as soon as they could reach (about age 7), dishes, floors, cleaning own bathroom. Guess some good lessons followed me when I myself left home.
In return for their chores, I bought the clothes they wanted (mostly), allowed friends to stay over at our house all of the time, and going on vacations with us, paid for the extra school needs/wants, lunch money to buy if wanted ... gifts for their friends birthday parties, extra curricular activities, etc.
You help out, you earn...
BTW, the oldest left my life several years ago ... mutual choice. The youngest, calls almost everyday and is in college.
Lesson: Who the heck knows?
Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for all the wonderful comments!
Noli is an awesome child and I think my daughter's doing an excellent job of raising her! Yeah, I'm a proud grandma!!
how cute! i like that she is in there wanting to help :)
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