Back in the late seventies, my hubby bought a new motorcycle. He had owned several, but this one was special. It was the epitome of motorcycles at the time. It was fast. It had this neat new fairing. It was this sweet silvery-blue color. It looked innocent, but it was hiding its true self.
It was a Kawasaki Z1-R

I don't know if you know anything about motorcycles, but this thing could move!!

I don't know if you know anything about motorcycles, but this thing could move!!
We were living in Colorado at the time and it was really fun to take the beast out for rides through the beauty that is Colorado in the spring. But then came winter. Our Fiat developed an illness and needed some part that couldn't be delivered until the snow was gone. Green Grasshopper (the Fiat -- don't you name your cars?) was buried under the snow. Poor Grasshopper, just a mound in the snow.
So the beast was our mode of transportation all that winter. What was a fun ride looking at flowers and trees became an ordeal to get to work. We lived in Avon, seven miles from Vail, and we both worked in Vail..... as night auditors, working from 11 pm to 7 am so as to be ski bums during the day. And let me tell you, it's COLD on the back of a motorcycle driving through the mountains for seven miles every night. I can't imagine what it was like to be the driver!! We wore a couple pairs of socks, long underwear, T-shirt, long sleeve pullover, sweaters, ski jackets, jeans. Hat under the helmet. Ski gloves. Boots. Man, it was freezing!!
Poor Grasshopper didn't make it though the winter. When spring came the poor thing just wouldn't start anymore, ever. So hubby bought an old Ford truck for $25.00 (honestly!). It was awful. So back to the beast until we bought another car. Green. But a Buick.
We both had Z1-R T-shirts -- we were so cute with the motorcycle on the back!
This shirt was mine. He wore his until it wore out, but I didn't wear mine as much so it lasted the test of time. It got stored away for years until one day my daughter discovered it. So she has been wearing it and wearing it out!
See the holes in the motorcycle just under the seat? She doesn't care.
But it sure does bring back memories when she wears it!
So, in remembrance of The Beast, my Z word for AlphabeThursday is Zoom Zoom for the lovely Kawasaki Z1-R!! Zip on over to Jenny's for some more Z's.
p.s. (motorcycle photo from ebay - my pics are in some box somewhere.....)
I'll bet the scenery on your Colorado rides were awesome.
Hey, that was a fun post! No I can't imagine riding a motorcycle night after night in the dead of Winter!
Brrr, you just about froze me too death thinking about riding a motorcycle in the winter. lol But, your scenic Colorado rides on that hog must have been awesome!
Zombies...Alphabe-Thursday & T2Q
I was wondering how you were able to ride that thing in the winter!
How fun that your daughter is now wearing that shirt.
Isn't it amazing the things we did when we were young!
I love this story :)
That had to be one cold ride!!! My boyfriend and I work that night shift and I can't imagine riding at night! There are too many deer to watch out for around here!
I love that your daughter is wearing your old shirt :)
Beth took the words out of my mouth!
Although, I would have said youngER!
Great story and your hubby gets a gold star for wearing matching t-shirts!!
Great ‘Z’ story - lovely pics & memories!
Have a great weekend too & look forward to *seeing* you again next time,
Can't imagine riding a motorcycle in that weather. Brrrr!
Love that your daughter appropriated the shirt!
I bet the ride was pretty. The cold windy ride sounds like it was really terrible.
Great idea for your Z post! That's sweet that your daughter is wearing your shirt now.
That's so cute. I love that your daughter is wearing it now.
I rode once on a bike a big Harley, Never again ! Wouldn't even climb on a Vespa !
so nice to know a little bit more about you, sarah! {:-Deb
What a great story! I can't image riding a motorcycle in Colorado during the winter! And at night! Fun memories, though. :)
I bet it took several mugs of hot chocolate to warm up after those frigid rides on the bike. BRRRR!
Tell Oliver that Zach says Thanks, and is sending hugs back!
I'll bet these were sweet memories for you indeed.
I prefer the 4-wheel type of transport myself...motorbikes are way too adventurous for me. Scares me to death as they zoom past me at ? miles/hour. I can't imagine what it would be like to be on one in winter, at night, with snow on the thank you! (lol)
Thanks for sharing.
The Evening Zephyr
I didn't even know you were allowed to buy motorcycles where it snowed!
What a fun post! Love that you still have your t-shirt!
And not to be a total moron but what is a 'fairing'?
Thanks for a zippy link this week.
And I hope to Z you soon.
I didn't even know you were allowed to buy motorcycles where it snowed!
What a fun post! Love that you still have your t-shirt!
And not to be a total moron but what is a 'fairing'?
Thanks for a zippy link this week.
And I hope to Z you soon.
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