Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Roy Orbison

Roy Orbison
the man behind the glasses...

In the early 60s Roy Orbison left his glasses on a plane and had to wear his prescription sunglasses on stage. He found that he preferred them to his regular glasses and so began the original "man in black" persona.

Black clothes, dark glasses, standing still while singing on stage
all lent an air of mystery

"Crying" really shows his fantastic range
and it was the song that made me a Roy Orbison fan.
This one was performed on his TV show in 1964.
This was before I discovered him -- I didn't even know he had a TV show!
But I would have watched it if I had known!

"Only the Lonely"
Performed in the 1988 TV special, 
Roy Orbison and Friends, A Black and White Night
It was performed entirely in black and white and an album was released afterwards.

You'll see Elvis Costello singing background and, if you look really fast, k.d. lang with the female vocalists.
This was when she was still wearing dresses and that looks really odd to me now.
I think k.d. lang is a fantastic singer, by the way!

I vaguely remember seeing this performance -- 
 I might have to check around for the DVD and watch it again!

I picked this video of "Pretty Woman" because of that fabulous blue jumpsuit he's wearing!
Oh my, and form fitting, too.....
(I think Roy's been eating a little too much ice cream!)
Oh, Roy, what happened to your basic black clothes?
This was performed in 1972 and I guess he was just following the fashion trend!


Oliver made me promise to mention his O post from last year because he is very proud of his writing abilities. If you would like to read about the king kitty just click here for Oliver Helps!

He's such a stinker....

♥♥♥  Linking Roy over at Miss Jenny's for Alphabe-Thursday where we are studying the letter O.

Jenny Matlock



Memories for Life said...

I've heard Roy's songs before (Pretty Woman, obviously), but I don't think I've ever seen a picture of him. Definitely not what I had in :)
I'm going to have Only the Lonely stuck in my head today!

Eden House News and views said...

Not a singer I am afan off but good post

Paige @ Little Nostalgia said...

I like Roy! I didn't realize he was around in the 60s, for some reason I thought he started later.

Naperville Now said...

fun video of Roy, Elvis and k.d. -- i'd like to have backup singers (just on general principle. can't sing.)

Lola said...

Hi again!

Lovely choice of *O* post – great memories! I loved Roy's singing!

Look forward to *seeing* you again!

Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

I never knew the Roy Orbison sunglass story...thanks for sharing.

Ingrid said...

You know what ? I know the songs but didn't know who sang them ! Now I know, thanks !

Jim said...

Roy Orbison is one of my favorites. Then his "Pretty Woman" is the very best.

I did visit the crash site where he died. Lots of flowers piled up there by the visiting folk. Oh the dangers of flying.

Your Invisible Crown said...

His glasses are so awesome!

VBR said...

Oh, you featured my very favorite singer, of all time. I just love this man's voice, and his music. Wonderful O post!!

Judie said...

Glad to know the story behind the sunglasses!

AntiquityTravelers said...

Fun post! Roy had some real classics - including the dark glasses (not so sure about the polyester tho!). I do like the glasses from the late 50s- early 60s... buddy holly's look is one of my favs. And k.d. Lang - holy cow that girl can sing! have you seen her duets with Tony Bennett? check those out if you haven't seen them - she is fantastic!

storybeader said...

I didn't realize he had his own show! Wow! Didn't even know the name Orbison until about 15 years ago. It was probably because of the Traveling Wilburys - I loved them all, and so many are gone.... I didn't hear the vocals on the Pretty Woman video - might have been me. {:-D

Along These Lines ... said...

Lucky it wasn't his shoes he left on the plane.

Jenny said...

I never knew any of these facts even though I've always thought Roy was an OUTSTANDING entertainer!

Such a cool link!

Thanks for sharing it.


Splendid Little Stars said...

I LOVE his voice and his music. I didn't know he had a TV show.


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