Wednesday, May 15, 2013

ZZ Top, The Zombies, Led Zeppelin

And here we are at the end of the alphabet...

and here are three for Z! 
ZZ Top
The Zombies
Led Zeppelin

You might want to crank up the volume for these songs!!

ZZ Top

Gotta love the beards!! 
and the fuzzy guitars

"Sharp Dressed Man"
performed at a concert in Texas and on the CD, Live from Texas

Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man

I must admit it.... hubby and I sing this whenever we spot somebody (on TV mind you) that's dressed, um, less than appropriately....

The Zombies

Ah, the 60s
The bands were always so proper looking, even if they did have that long hair...
You know, the British invasion and all that

"She's Not There"

Performance in 1965

"Time of the Season"

"Tell Her No"

Did you know that this sign was posted at every single one of their performances?

Zombie Warning Poster - Don't Feed The Zombies
Too many fans had been throwing zombie food on the stage....
They had to be warned.

Crazy Led

"Whole Lotta Love"
Led Zeppelin

Oh yeah, Crazy Led
Hours spent laying on the floor between two speakers, listening to this,
the music going back and forth from one ear to the other....
like it's traveling through your head....
Oh c'mon, you know you did it too  : )

"Stairway to Heaven"

Beautiful song and the guitar solo is awesome!
Can you imagine playing that double neck bass?

"Rock and Roll"

Celebration Day concert 2007
Crazy Led is older but they've still got it!

File:Barack Obama speaks to Led Zeppelin.jpg
From Wikipedia  (photo in public domain)

Did you see when they were honored at the 2012 Kennedy Center Honors event? Very cool.

There ya go -- Crazy Led ends the alphabet...

linking over at Miss Jenny's for Alphabe-Thursday where we are studying the letter Z.

Miss Jenny says that we are starting the seventh round of Alphabe-Thursday next week!
I think I'm going to just wing it this time and not have a theme.  
I think...
But I'll probably stick in a band or two or three from time to time -- I've had so much fun with these!

Jenny Matlock



carol l mckenna said...

Fun post for Z ~ great music and videos ~ Enjoy ^_^

Anonymous said...

Way to bring us rockin' to the end of the alphabet!

Jim said...

I do like the Led Zeppelin and the ZZ Top. The Led Zeppelin for their songs. I still like them.

And ZZ Top is from here in Houston, a local group. "I remember when" they would be one of the group playing under the trees in the parks on weekends. (I rode my motorcycle from tree to tree.)

My favorite zz Top song is "She's got legs" followed by "Sharp Dressed Man."

Eden House News and views said...

I love music A-Z so ending in Z is good for me

Lola said...

Such an interesting *Z* post – bringing back great memories especially of the Zombies!

Have a great Alphabe-Thursday, here’s mine!

debra @ homespun said...

Z Z TOP was always a favorite ! :)

Memories for Life said...

ZZ Top and Zeppelin are two awesome bands. They're the ones where you know every single song they've ever sang...and know all the words :)

Naperville Now said...

seeing Led Zeppelin and the President -- a moment for all time :) (And what do you think is Zombie food?)

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

You did so well with one of the hardest letters in the alphabet!! I think I listen to Stairway to Heaven, so many times I about drove my parents to their grave☺

Unknown said...

This post rocks! I love Led Zeppelin :)


Pondside said...

I hope there'll be a band or two from you in the next round. I've enjoyed these trips back in time!

Annesphamily said...

Oh this was a great tribute to these two bands. Wow! I really had a nice trip down memory lane! Thanks for the cool share!

Ingrid said...

I heard the songs, but didn't know who sang them ! In the 60t they didn't show singers on TV. We just listened to whatever music to dance ! Didn't mind who it was !
I am ready for the next round I like this meme !

Paige @ Little Nostalgia said...

I really dig all three of these bands! Good choices!

Judie said...

Very clever and entertaining post! I'm staying here a while and listening to all that great music!!

VBR said...

Wonderful post to end the round!
All three have songs that bring back memories of younger days.
And, I just adore that Do no feed the Zombies sign!

Splendid Little Stars said...

3 good bands!
Amazing, looking back now, how these 60s-ish bands were considered such rebels by the way they looked. (songs, too, of course). They look so tame today.
I've enjoyed your band series. Thanks for all your wonderful posts! It's been fun!

Jenny said...

I love all those songs!

And all your bands!

And man! I'm going to see if Sirrius radio has 60's music on channel 6!

You brought back a lot of memories here!

And gosh.

That was sooooo long ago!

Thanks for an amaZing link to the letter Z.



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