If you'd like to join in, click on the badge below and tell us what made you feel all warm and cuddly last week. (And, I am aware that today is Thursday, not Wednesday... but Miss Jenny is kind enough to leave the linkie up for us procrastinators!)

So, on to my cuddly thing....
Noli came over last Friday and brought me a surprise! It was an art project she made in school -- they were to make something out of a foam clay, paint it, and make a box to display it in. So I was super surprised when she made her project just for me!
Her clay figure was of Oliver and Sam
My sweet kitties who are no longer with us
Oliver is the orange one and Sam is the brown and black one
(Oh, if you haven't and would like to read the reason she's wearing that cast, go to my previous post!)
Notice the red writing? That's me "♥ Mumsie" Papa signed on the other side :)
She made them hugging because they were the best of friends
It's hard to tell, but they have their tails wrapped around each other
She gave Oliver green eyes
Just look at those tails!
This is the box.
Typical Noli -- lots of frills!
Can you see the green paws on either side of the box?
Green pipe cleaners!
It's a kitty box if you're not sure LOL!
On the back of the doily head are two crepe paper flowers
And written inside are
"Special Words.... Oliver and Sam"
What a sweetheart!
I decided I would lean the clay Oliver and Sam against a framed picture of Domino -- a black and white cat we got when Stephanie was about nine (She's 32 now!) I look at that picture every day and hold the sweet Domino in my heart. Now Oliver and Sam can join him.
Silly Domino, I caught him in a big yawn!
They were each rescue cats -- maybe I'll tell their stories one day.
Sweet Sam, Oliver and Domino
and especially sweet sweet Noli
They warm my heart everyday.
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This is so sweet and warms my heart also. What a great job she did making this sculpture and such a sweet gift.
What a super sweet gift! It was so nice of her to remember the kitties in such a special way!
What lovely little girl ~ you are blessed and she is so creative! Love the clay cats and box ~ Your post definitely 'warms my heart.'
Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol
What a thoughtful and sweet gift!
A sweet and thoughtful gift from Noli. Such a generous little heart. Love that yawn from Domino! Great shares. Thank you and enjoy a wonderful weekend.
What a wonderful sweet gift!
Sears B, you are sooo blessed !!! Aren't grandaughters precious, just precious !!! Noli warms your heart even with no gift. She is very creative. A good imagination? It was a good job with the cats.
KP and I eat graham crackers and peanut. I generally have one square, quartered, and made into two PB sandwiches. With my meds I use soda crackers and PB as this mixture seems to neutralize acids in my stomach.
What a sweet girl Noli is and very artistic. Her sculpture of your 2 kitties is just precious. It warms my heart to know there are children like her who think of "others" and want to make them happy.
Ahhhhhh. I love your sweet kitty tale. :-)
The View from the Top of the Ladder
Noli really does have a huge heart and what a wonderful gift! You're a lucky Grandma!
Noli. What a beautiful, beautiful girl...inside and out. I am so impressed that she made her art project just for you!
This post certainly warmed my heart. Bless you for sharing it.
Aww, that is so very sweet!
That is SO sweet! Noli is a lovely-hearted person!
Her kitties are adorable.
Beautiful designs, great work. I enjoy seeing the pictures of her amazing art project.
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